Themes and Topics

José Saramago, Nobel portuguese writher

Main Themes

T1 Concrete and Masonry Dams

T2 Embankment Dams and Levees

T3 Hydraulics for Dams

T4 Tailings Dams

T5 Environmental and Social Issues

T6 Regulation and Governance

T7 Dams and Climate Change

Main Topics

ST1 Design and Modelling

ST2 Design Innovation and New Materials

ST3 Geology and Dam Foundation

ST4 Underground Works

ST5 Hydrology and Appurtenant Works

ST6 Seismic Analysis

ST7 Instrumentation and Monitoring

ST8 Dam Safety Evaluation

ST9 Construction and Rehabilitation

ST10 Operation and Maintenance

ST11 Deterioration

ST12 Decommissioning and Dam Removal

ST13 Dam Management Systems and New Technologies

ST14 River and Integrated Reservoir Management

ST15 Risk Assessment

ST16 Dam Failure and Emergency Action Plans (EAP)

ST17 Sedimentation in Reservoirs

ST18 Dams and Climate Change Adaptation

ST19 Hydro, Solar and Wind Energy Associated to Dams